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Eggplant in Garlic Sauce and Crab


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Meredith and I made a quick meal for dinner. It was eggplant in garlic sauce and crab with butter. The crab was already peeled. It was the same crab we used earlier[@rev].

The eggplant in garlic sauce was because we were looking for a quick and easy side dish. Plus, I wanted to keep playing with stir-fries. We didn't have chinese eggplant so we used regular. Also, as per the recipe (linked below), we did it in two batches. I think one of the batches was more cooked than the other. And using the regular eggplant had a bit thicker skin. I wouldn't plan to use it again, but it was a fine substitute. Otherwise, we stayed pretty true to the recipe except more garlic. A lot of other recipes call for black vinegar but this one didn't (and we couldn't find it anyway).

Szechwan Eggplant Stir-Fry (from Food Network /Tyler Florence)

Local Copy[@rev]-- password is the name of my dog, all lower case


Original Wordpress ID and Date: 8781, 2014-09-06_215558